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Should Christians Have a Christmas Tree In Their Homes?

Writer's picture: calebreedgordoncalebreedgordon

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

I'm not putting this out there to start a fight or a debate. I have dear friends on both sides of this debate; this is more of an attempt to start a discussion about this issue. Take your time reading this and praying before responding.

There appears to be an increasing number of people who believe that we should not celebrate Christmas or have Christmas trees in our homes because they believe they are an evil pagan symbol...Some are even saying that if we do, we are going to become lukewarm I thought I'd share some thoughts from an amazing Bible teacher, John MacArthur:

As the Christmas Season approaches, questions like this sometimes arise. Like everything in life, it is important to approach these issues with biblical discernment.

In this case, we see nothing wrong with the traditional Christmas tree. However, some have taught that it’s wrong for anyone to have a Christmas tree in their home. But are their reasons valid? We don’t think so. Let’s look at the two most common objections people make against having a Christmas tree.

First, some object on the basis that Christmas trees have pagan origins. It is believed that Boniface, English missionary to Germany in the eighth century, instituted the first Christmas tree. He supposedly replaced sacrifices to the god Odin’s sacred oak with a fir tree adorned in tribute to Christ. But certain other accounts claim that Martin Luther introduced the Christmas tree lighted with candles. Based on that information you could say the Christmas tree has a distinguished Christian pedigree.

However, even if a pagan background were clearly established, that wouldn’t necessarily mean we could not enjoy the use of a Christmas tree. Perhaps the following analogy will help.

During World War II the American military used some remote South Pacific islands for temporary landing strips and supply depots. Prior to that time the indigenous tribal people had never seen modern technology up close. Large cargo planes swooped in filled with an array of material goods, and for the first time the islanders saw cigarette lighters (which they deemed to be miraculous), jeeps, refrigerators, radios, power tools, and many varieties of food.

When the war was over, the islanders concluded that the men who brought cargo were gods, so they began building shrines to the cargo gods. They hoped the cargo gods would return with more goods.

Most people do not even know about this religious superstition. Similarly, few know anything about the worship of trees. When a child pulls a large present out from under the Christmas tree and unwraps a large model cargo plane, no one views that object as an idol. Nor do we view the Christmas tree to be some kind of gift god. We understand the difference between a toy and an idol just as clearly as we understand the difference between an idol and a Christmas tree. We see no valid reason to make any connection between Christmas trees and wooden idols or the worship of trees. Those who insist on making such associations should take note of the warnings in Scripture against judging one another in doubtful things (see Romans 14 & 1 Corinthians 10:23-33).

Another common objection is the claim that Christmas trees are prohibited in Scripture. Jeremiah 10 is commonly used to support this viewpoint. But a closer look at the passage will show that it has nothing to do with Christmas trees and everything to do with idol worship. Verse eight says, “A wooden idol is a worthless doctrine."

Idol worship was a clear violation of the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:3-6 says, “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

There is no connection between the worship of idols and the use of Christmas trees. We should not be anxious about baseless arguments against Christmas decorations. Rather, we should be focused on the Christ of Christmas and giving all diligence to remembering the real reason for the season.

I hope this thought from brother John MacArthur was truly helpful.

The bottom line is that if you want to celebrate 'Feast days,' go ahead and do so.

If you want to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, go ahead and do it!

I honestly don't think this is a major issue, and it detracts from the main goal of sharing the gospel with people. Instead of picking a fight over Christmas, I believe we should spread the good news of why Jesus came to earth: ' seek and save those who are lost.'

Christmas is an ideal time for believers to openly discuss and share about the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Dec 01, 2023

But if a tree is an idol then a Turkey is an idol at Thanksgiving, an egg is an idol at Easter, a birthday cake is a idol on our birthday. Anything can be seen as a idol. Your phone, car, TV, computer all can be seen as ldols. The way I see it an idol is something that you put before God. If you put God first how can it be an idol?The way I think of it is the tree can be seen as a gift Jesus was put in a stable where people do not live. Think about it we are bringing a tree into the house where tree do not live.

Just a thought


Dec 25, 2021

This was good thought provoking article

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