The internet is a powerful, but often deceptive place. It allows people to project an image of themselves that doesn’t align with reality. Through the use of carefully curated photos and videos, individuals can sell almost anything—including a false image of themselves. The unfortunate truth is that most of us see others “making it” online and think, “Why not me?” This mindset leads us down the path of trying to imitate what we see, hoping for the same success. And sometimes it works. But more often than not, it doesn’t.

When we get caught up in comparison, we lose sight of our purpose. Comparison robs us of authentic joy and satisfaction in what we’re trying to achieve. Whether it’s seeing another business owner succeed more visibly or watching a ministry leader get a major speaking engagement, we often become envious, even if we won’t admit it. Instead of rejoicing for a fellow believer’s success, we find ourselves thinking, “It should have been me.”
I recently had a conversation with someone I consider to have “made it” in terms of his ministry platform. I asked him what it would take for him to speak at a conference in our area, and his response caught me off guard. He said, “I’ve retired from conference speaking.” That response was unexpected, especially since so many of us strive, push, and grind to achieve what we think will bring us recognition or success.
The more we focus on a goal, the easier it becomes to lose sight of why we started in the first place. This person went on to say, “I’m focusing on changing the city, county, and state I live in.” That statement made me pause and reflect. Many of us in ministry see what’s trending on social media and want the appeal, the influence, and the admiration. But do we stop and ask ourselves, Is this really what God has for me? Or is He calling me to invest where I am, to thrive and cultivate the community in front of me?

I believe our primary motivation as ministry leaders should be to steward and nurture what is right in front of us. It’s not wrong to pursue opportunities beyond our immediate surroundings, but the main focus should always be on serving our local community. This doesn’t just apply to those in the spotlight of ministry, but to every member of the body of Christ. Each of us has been placed where we are for a purpose.
Don’t underestimate the value of what you’re doing right now. Nothing is too small or too insignificant in God’s eyes. Don’t let the internet make you think too highly or too lowly of yourself. The Lord has positioned you exactly where He wants you to be. Most of the time, His purpose is for you to minister to those within your reach. So, serve where you are. Be faithful where He has placed you. Because, in God’s economy, every act of service—no matter how small—is part of His grand design.