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Podcast Theology

Writer's picture: David F. MehlhaffDavid F. Mehlhaff

The Apostate Church. You have heard the term, I have heard the term, but beyond the definition, what might one consider it to resemble?

It might be suggested; it closely resembles Podcast Theology. What’s Podcast Theology, you ask? Whistles, bells, and buzzers all wrapped up in a slick motivational talk — sprinkle in a little theology, say, Jeremiah 29:11 . . . plans to prosper you . . . and you got your Podcast Theology.

Is it possible those who dedicate time to listening to the podcast(s) of their choice are conceivably robbing time from Peter to pay Paul, if you will? A podcast may become a shortcut to spending time in the Scriptures. It’s a gradual relinquishing of “study to show thyself approved”. The irony, however, is that most podcast messages are repetitive. Let me repeat myself, here’s what I’m saying, podcast messages are repetitive. The information could be shared in five minutes, which is about two minutes longer than your typical “social media-ite” attention span. So who’s wasting time, here?

With the Podcast, I can get the theology of the podcast “master” as well as the motivational enthusiasm, psychology and for you philosophy fans, a smattering of philosophy — all in the name of maintaining cultural relevancy. Now I can talk with every other compromised Christian and still maintain cultural Christianity relevance; all at the expense, I might add, of hearing directly from the Holy Spirit while spending time in the Scriptures for my own edification.

What sets the “holder of the message” — i.e. Podcast Master — apart from the inspired Word of God? Scripture records Jesus’ perspective on sheep and shepherd. Who, exactly, have I determined is my shepherd? Do I have more than one Shepherd? How many podcasts am I listening to? Each time I listen to a specific Podcast Master, do I suppress the Shepherd of which is spoken in the Scriptures? Asking for a friend.

Chuck Swinidoll preaches, “please notice an allurement of false teachers is an allurement of words . . . speaking out arrogant words of vanity. . . making a good impression on the unsuspecting.” From his message “Disobedience Gone to Seed”, Swindoll adds, “A great deal of ministry can easily become a flesh trip. There are always enough people to follow individuals to give those leaders a flesh trip. They are verbose, they have impressive words, they do not convey truth, they lure, they give the impression that they’re providing reliable information, but it’s a flesh trip. It’s a flesh trip. There’s a lot of sensuality in it.”

Fresh perspective on considering all of the foregone perspectives as recorded above, sets my face to the wind as a Warrior. I get my Second Wind as Warrior — see Judges 15:19 (Samson). Brave. Bold. Daring. Noble. Fearless. Dignified, while grunting all the way.

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