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The Equality and Roles Of Men and Women

Writer's picture: calebreedgordoncalebreedgordon

When I say I affirm and hold to the doctrine of “Sola Scriptura” (Latin for Scripture alone) I genuinely mean, Scripture alone is the formal principle of genuine true Christian faith.

Therefore, BIBLICALLY, Men and women are absolutely equal in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ, and both genders are loved and redeemed equally by Christ. Nevertheless, in the creative order that God has handed down each of the two genders have different roles to play.

This does not mean in any way we as men should be an overlord or dictator in our homes, rather, we as men should love, protect, lead, and provide for our wives. We as men should hold our wives in a high place of honor. We are to live with our wives in an understanding way (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:25)

Furthermore, ladies should be willing to honor and respect their husbands by not trying to assert dominance over them, but rather they should be submissive to them. Now I know this is controversial in our day and age, but nevertheless, this is what scripture calls us to do. (1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22-23).

Furthermore, every Christian couple I know who lives these principles out in their marriages are the most satisfied and happy human beings I’ve ever met. But when couples live in a marriage where the man is an ogre and is mean the wives are depressed and completely unhappy as are the children. And likewise when a woman attempts to take control and rule over their husbands you find a household in confusion and chaos. God has created distinctive roles for a reason and when we live out those distinctive roles we'll be far more satisfied and joy-filled as opposed to if we ignore those designs and attempt to do our own thing.

As an illustration in a workplace environment the entry-level employee of the company is just as equal, from an HR and human perspective as the CEO, nevertheless, the CEO and entry level employee have different roles to play. Their roles do not make them any less valuable as a person, but rather their roles are created to make the company successful.

This same idea plays out or applies in the home. Men are called to be the head. If something does not have a head it’s dead. And if it has two heads it’s considered a freak or not natural.

Only in the last 60 or 70 years has our culture attempted to abandon the idea of a household headed up and lead by men. And as a result of that taking place look at where our world/culture is. It’s in a state of confusion and chaos.

Biblical Christianity has such a different view than that of its counterfeit cousin, cultural Christianity.

It’s time we cast off this foolishness and align ourselves back to a biblical mindset. Where men love, lead, guide, protect, and honor their wives. And ladies live in such a way that you honor and respect your husband by not emasculating him and attempting to assert dominance.

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