Last night I took my kids and some other family to see Thor Love and Thunder and I was excited because I've enjoyed the MCU films over the past decade with films like Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America, and who can't love The Avengers coming together to fight evil and restore harmony and destroy evil. These are Biblical themes, now I'm not saying these films are Christian, I'm just saying our desire to see right win and justice done is instilled in us by God almighty.
Well, I have noticed something that has happened over the last several Marvel films and at first, I attempted to ignore it just because I was a fan and did not want to make the cut. Sexual politics are now in the MCU and it's not some quick little references, instead, it's an agenda that's in your End Game, there was a scene where a man (the director of the film) was sitting in a group talking about how they are dealing with life after the Thanos snap, and you quickly find out that he's gay. Then in the film the Eternals you meet a man who is one of the male Eternals who is a superhero sent here to try and save the human population and falls in love with a man and they adopt a child, they share a passionate on-screen kiss. The film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness shows a girl whose name was America and she is the one needing to be saved during the film you find out that she had two mothers and there was a focus on how much the mothers loved each other as well as a pride flag on America's jacket. And then last night as I watched Thor I counted at least four different times where homosexuality was brought up in some form or fashion, and then the themes I saw as well was 'LOVE WINS' and it does not matter who you are loving as long as you love. These agendas are becoming more and more visible in these films.
This is a fairly new thing in the actual MCU movies ...I know that there have been sexual references throughout the films, but the attempt to shove the LGBTQ agenda down the audience's throats can no longer be ignored.
People say well, gay references have been in comic books for decades and I agree they have been, but for ten years there were no references. It was a simple theme GOOD OVERCOMING EVIL and a hero saving people who needed to be saved. These once again are Biblical themes, Hollywood just didn't know that.
But in the last several years the stated goal by so many employees of these Hollywood companies has been to get the homosexual agenda advanced in our time. And I know that many will say well Caleb, that's just how the lost world works just leave it be and ignore it. Well, would but the Bible says that I am, as Christ-follower not to have anything to do with people who advance wickedness, but rather expose it for what it is.
11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, Eph 5:11-13
And so you don't think I"m taking this verse out of context, the first 21 verses of Ephesians 5 deal with the issue of sexual immorality.
And furthermore for those who say 'Caleb you gotta lighten up about stuff like this. Don't be so narrow-minded. God gives us a very clear command not to take part in these types of things...go back up to verses 6 and 7 of Ephesians 5. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not become partners with them;
Sadly, I cannot in good conscience condone or continue to go see these types of films in their current state. Sexual politics have truly ruined the ability to tell good stories.
As Christians, we are not to condone these types of things and by spending money to support them that's exactly what we do.